We know that people of color experience domestic violence in ways that are different than white communities.
For example, people of color may not report their abuse:
- Because of police brutality and racial bias in the criminal justice system.
- Because of strong cultural or religious beliefs.
- Because of strong family ties where people think that their abuse is to be handled in private out of fear that their family or partner will look weak or be deported or be subject to our racist criminal justice system (and many other reasons).
Women of Color Network
Since 2011, PCADV has worked with the Women of Color Network’s National Call to Action Technical Assistance Project. Through this work, PCADV trains all our staff, creates leadership chances for women of color, and improves how we reach out to communities of color.
Women of Color Caucus
We work to make sure that Pennsylvania laws do not harm people of color who are survivors of domestic violence. One of the ways we do that is by supporting the Women of Color Caucus. The caucus is made up of women of color advocates who work at local domestic violence programs and they help to:
- Guide PCADV’s standards and statewide policies or laws that might harm women and survivors of color.
- Provide chances for leadership for women of color.
- Offer money to survivors of color for their education.

PCADV Resources
Online Course — Restricted Access Introduction to Cultural Competency
This course will look at the ways that we are all hurt by oppressions and that we are all responsible for working against them.
Exclusive to affiliates of PCADV member programs.