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Prevention InitiativeStrategies for Parents and Caregivers

Involved and supportive parents and caregivers can have strong relationships with their children and the most lasting impact on their values and behaviors. Helping to influence positive changes in the perspective of parents and caregivers can encourage them have open conversations with their children – that is prevention.

Facts & Figures

Teens and young adults are faced with many challenges while learning how to navigate complex relationships. Being aware of these issues can help parents know what to look for to prevent long-term problems.

1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.

Relationship abuse is not only physical! Among adolescents, abuse can be physical, verbal, sexual, financial, or digital. Stalking also constitutes abuse. Think your teen might be a victim or perpetrator of abuse?

Learn Signs of Healthy & Harmful Relationships

How can we engage parents and caregivers in prevention?

It can be challenging to engage parents and caregivers in prevention, because parenting is a full-time job. PCADV has resources to help parents navigate difficult topics related to healthy relationships and dating violence. Start with these flip cards to test your knowledge, then explore the resources below to learn more.


Illustration of two people having a conversation while sitting at a table

Does your teen get your undivided attention when they talk?

Healthy Relationships

Illustration showing two people with an arm around eachother

Do you know what your teen values in a relationship?

Dating Violence

Illustration showing one person acting abuse towards another

Have you talked with your teen about dating violence?

Impact of Social Media

Illustration showing a mobile device receiving incoming text messages containing heart and exclaimation point symbols

Can you identify someone using social media to control your teen’s behavior?

Mindful Parenting

Illustration of a person sitting cross-legged in a relaxed, meditative pose

Have you done something good for yourself today?

Self-care for Teens

Illustration showing a flower with the largest leaf shaped like a heart

Have you checked in with your teen this week?

The following evidence-informed and evidence-based programs are designed to strengthen parenting skills:

Parents in the Know

A child sexual abuse prevention program.

ACT Raising Safe Kids Program

This program teaches positive parenting skills to parents and caregivers of children from birth to age 10.

Essentials for Parenting

A free online resource designed to help parents of 2–4-year-olds address common challenges.