The policy issues that affect domestic violence victims and programs are very far-reaching—from criminal law, to economic justice, to public funding for shelters and programs.
PCADV works diligently to make sure that State and Federal legislators understand the needs of domestic violence victims and survivors, as well as the laws and programs that serve and protect them.
Learn more about PCADV’s legislative and public policy priorities
Investing in Domestic Violence Services: Critical Need for Act 44 Funding Increase
Act 44 domestic violence funding was established 40 years ago and was last increased by $1 million in FY 2021-2022, to the current appropriation of $20 million. Domestic violence programs, however, are at a tipping point, nearing a financial crisis that threatens the ability to keep their doors open to welcome victims who are fleeing life-threatening violence in their own homes.
PCADV’s network relies on a broad and constantly moving mix of public and private funding to ensure the availability of services to victims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A lack of adequate funding results in victims being placed on longer waitlists or survivors not receiving the services they need when they need them.
During a single day in 2022, PCADV programs served over 3,500 victims, but nearly 400 service requests were unmet because of a lack of financial resources.
PCADV is advocating for a $4 million increase to Act 44 funding for domestic violence services in the upcoming state budget. Learn more about our current budget ask, or get involved by signing the petition.
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