Sports can have a tremendous influence in the lives of young adults. The principles of teamwork and fair play make using sports an ideal platform to teach healthy relationship and individual empowerment. As influencers and often role models, coaches are distinctly poised to deliver programming to their athletes. As potential leaders withing their schools, colleges or community, athletes are often positioned to stand up for respect and influence the culture within that setting. Through the curricula described below, athletes are provided with the information and tools they need to do so. When coaches and local domestic violence programs have strong partnerships, the ability for this programming to be successful increases dramatically. As a result, PCADV recommends the following to programs interested in working with athletes-in schools, colleges, or their community.
Coaching Boys into Men
Coaching Boys into Men is an evidence-based violence prevention program designed to inspire athletic coaches to teach their young male athletes about the importance of respecting themselves and others – particularly women and girls. CBIM has been researched extensively, showing positive changes in both athlete and coach attitudes and behaviors with respect to women and relationships.
The CBIM curriculum has recently been adapted for college-level implementation. It is called CLEAR (Coaching Leadership Equity and Respect) and is also recommended by PCADV.
Download the CLEAR and Supplemental College-Specific Cards
Coaching Girls Beyond the Game
The second program is Coaching Girls Beyond the Game (CGBG). Coaching Girls Beyond the Game is a prevention program for athletic coaches to empower young women to become leaders and role models by providing a safe space for education and for supporting each other on and off the field. The program provides coaches with a 12-week playbook to guide discussions with their athletes on a variety of issues including: gender bias and oppression of women, dating violence, self-esteem, women’s role in sports and culture, positive body image, female competition, and female leadership.