The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) applauds Governor Wolf in his efforts to focus on Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable and underserved populations and in prioritizing the implementation of the recommendations by the Council on Reform.
“It has been my distinct honor to serve on Governor Wolf’s Council on Reform to look comprehensively at ways Pennsylvania can better serve vulnerable Pennsylvanians including survivors of domestic violence,” said Susan Higginbotham, CEO, PCADV. Adding, “I am pleased that the Governor has prioritized ensuring all Pennsylvanians receive the support, services, and assistance they need to live safe and fulfilled lives.”
Among the budget priorities that will positively impact survivors of domestic violence in Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolf’s budget address focused on access to affordable childcare, incentivizing family-friendly workplace policies, workforce training, and implementing workplace protections for employees who identify as LGBTQ+. Additionally, the Governor’s outlined gun violence prevention initiatives, if enacted, could help to improve the safety of victims of domestic violence who are at an increased risk of lethality.
We appreciate the efforts to invest in support of Pennsylvania’s workforce and thank Governor Wolf for refocusing efforts on increasing the minimum wage. For survivors of domestic violence, access to sustainable employment and earning a living wage is essential to escaping abuse and living autonomous lives.
The Governor’s budget address outlines an affirmative plan for expanding supportive services for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable populations. Many victims and survivors of domestic violence face issues on top of their victimization that makes them vulnerable on multiple fronts. As such, PCADV will continue to advocate for a healthy and sustainable allocation for domestic violence services in the state budget. One that keeps pace with the increased service costs local domestic violence programs face across the state every year.