On Tuesday, October 1, 119 purple signs lined the median of State Street leading up to the State Capitol, one sign for each person who lost their life to domestic violence in 2023. The signs stand as both a memorial to the victims and a call to action this October as we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). We can best honor those lives lost by turning our sorrow into determination to create a better future for survivors, a future where there are no more signs to put up.

PCADV kicked off DVAM by bringing together domestic violence advocates, partner organizations, legislators, survivors, families of victims, and other supporters for our annual Memorial Vigil. Despite the dreary weather, we had a great turnout to honor those who lost their lives to domestic violence, celebrate survivors, and show gratitude to advocates.
The vigil highlighted the resiliency of survivors, with featured speaker Ruth Glenn sharing the inspiring story of her journey from survivor to advocate. Ruth was joined by advocates from local programs and legislators to commemorate the 119 lives lost to domestic violence in 2023.
Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia) spoke about his proposed SAFE Housing Trust Fund, SB 670, establishing funding for domestic violence programs to expand transitional and permanent housing services for survivors.
We also heard from Representative Lisa Borowski, who has been a champion for survivors, prioritizing their safety by urging Pennsylvania lawmakers to join over 30 other states in allowing survivors to terminate their lease early when their safety depends on it. Her legislation, HB 1441, will provide victims the ability to leave an unsafe, unlivable environment without dire economic consequences, which is key to domestic violence intervention and homicide prevention. Unfortunately, this bill is currently stalled in the PA Senate. But you can help make a difference by taking just one minute to contact your state senator to tell them to bring HB 1441 to a vote!
Prior to the vigil, we spent the day in the Capitol Rotunda, raising awareness for domestic violence. A bi-partisan DVAM resolution was introduced in the Senate, with PCADV and domestic violence advocates from across PA joining in the gallery for the reading of the resolution. You can watch primary sponsor, Senator Amanda Cappelletti, read the resolution here.
Earlier that morning, PCADV CEO, Susan Higginbotham, spoke in Lancaster to help member program Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County launch their DVAM efforts. Susan highlighted the too-often unrecognized efforts of domestic violence advocates.
“Their work makes the vision of safety and healing a reality for so many. But their work often goes unnoticed, their challenges rarely acknowledged, and their needs not always fully met. Without them, our movement could not exist, and countless survivors would remain without the support necessary to rebuild their lives,” Susan remarked. “Their efforts deserve to be recognized, and their work deserves to be fairly compensated.”
If we want to live in a state where every victim and survivor can access the life-saving services they need when they need them, and where the advocates who provide those services can make a living wage, we need to invest in our domestic violence service providers.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the News