The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
The DHS Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program can provide victims and survivors of domestic violence (DV) financial assistance to aid them in recovery from the effects of DV. Additionally, TANF provides supports which can lead to self-sufficiency through education and employment. A component of the TANF program is the Road to Economic Self-Sufficiency Through Employment and Training (RESET). Activities and supportive services provided through RESET help survivors prepare for employment or further their education. DV survivors can develop a plan to participate at their own pace. RESET activities include, but are not limited to:
- Job readiness assistance including:
- Receiving services for DV, homelessness/housing, vocational rehabilitation
- Training for life skills, budgeting/financial, parent, and household/time management skills
- Resume writing, interviewing, and career aptitude testing
- Vocational education and support such as:
- Working toward a high school diploma or high school equivalency (HSE)
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Undergraduate secondary education
- Employment, On-the-Job Training, and Work Experience
- Community service programs
- Supported job search and employment retention services
RESET benefits also include special allowances that support participation in RESET activities. Special allowances include:
- Childcare
- Transportation costs
- Work clothing
- School supplies
- Tools and equipment
- Vehicle repairs
- One-time vehicle purchase for employment purposes
- Relocation expenses for accepting permanent employment
TANF RESET activities may align with PCADV’s initiatives helping survivors access education, increased job skills, and gain meaningful employment. Together we can support DV survivors to overcome barriers caused by financial abuse, one of the leading factors why survivors are unable to leave their abusers. Informing survivors about TANF and the RESET program can make a difference in reaching goals towards becoming independent and self-sufficient.